Novel sources of data, and the sizes of these datasets, present new opportunities for a data-driven approach to problems in a range of domains like public health, social service delivery, and mitigation of social problems and injustices. While techniques from artificial intelligence and machine learning bring great promise, they are also under increasing scrutiny for their potential to exacerbate or institutionalize existing biases. Faculty in this track are interested in the use of data-enabled and computational techniques to improve social outcomes, broadly defined, considering issues of efficiency, social justice, and equity. You can learn more about faculty and their research interests on the track faculty page.
Track Course Requirements
Students must complete a doctoral seminar series, including conceptual foundations of social science, advanced research methods, and a theory seminar, plus an advanced substantive course from an approved list in their area of interest. With permission from the co-directors, students may substitute core courses for substantive classes.
Doctoral seminar series
S90-6550 Introduction to advanced research
S90-6555 Conceptual foundations of social science research
S90-5500 Theoretical orientations in public health sciences, OR
S90-6820 Seminar in Social Work Theory and Knowledge
Substantive course (select one)
S90-6900 Applied Linear Regression Analysis
S90-6910 Generalized Linear Models
S90-6901 Structural equation modeling
S90-5010 Network analysis
S90-6600 Multilevel and longitudinal modeling
S90-6875 Qualitative research methods
S90-6905 Propensity score analysis
S90-6960 Survival analysis
Categorical analysis
S90-6882 Social policy research and analysis
S90-6887 Issues and directions in intervention research
S55-5082 Geographic information systems
S55-5120 Health economics
S55-5121 Advance health policy methods
S65-5050 Group model building
S65-5660 System dynamics
Experimental and observational research designs
Agent-based modeling in public health
Economic analysis/Cost effectiveness analysis
S90 SWDT 6893 Seminar in Mental Health & Addictions Services Research
S90 SWDT 6895 Mental Health Services Research

Patrick Fowler
Track Chair, Social Work & Public Health
Associate Professor, Brown School
PhD, Wayne State University
- Email:
Patrick Fowler’s research aims to inform developmentally sensitive public and programmatic policy that supports socioeconomically marginalized families. This work applies rigorous methodology to understand the mechanisms through which housing stabilization promotes healthy child development.